Custom Content encodings

Create a new JSON schema content encoding

A content encoding can be defined in two ways:

  • as a callable, with the following signature:
    function (string $value, string $type): ?string
  • as class implementing Opis\JsonSchema\ContentEncoding interface. The decode method has the following signature:
    public function decode(string $value, string $type): ?string

So, if you can decode the value you should return a string representing the decoded value, otherwise you should return null.

Using content encodings

You should register your content encodings before you validate any schema. If you want, you can also create a default content encoding handler, so you can use a generic lib to decode.


use Opis\JsonSchema\Validator;
use Opis\JsonSchema\Resolvers\ContentEncodingResolver;

$validator = new Validator();

/** @var ContentEncodingResolver $contentEncodings */
$contentEncodings = $validator->parser()->getContentEncodingResolver();

// Register a content encoding
$contentEncodings->registerCallable('my-encoding', function (string $content): ?string {
    // return a string representing the decoded $content
    // or null if you cannot decode 
    return null;

// Register the default handler

$contentEncodings->setDefaultHandler(function (string $content, string $encoding): ?string {
    // return a string representing the decoded $content which is encoded as $encoding
    // or null if you cannot decode
    return null;