In order to validate your data with json schema, you have to create a validator object of type \Opis\JsonSchema\IValidator. Since that is an interface, Opis JSON Schema provides an implementation in class \Opis\JsonSchema\Validator, and this is what you will probably use most of the time.

The validator has a “simple” job: receives as input the json schema and the data that must be validated against the schema, and returns a validation result object of type \Opis\JsonSchema\ValidationResult. The validation result can tell you if the data is valid or not against provided schema, and if is not valid it can provide a list of error objects of type \Opis\JsonSchema\ValidationError.

The validator object supports three types of validations, depending on how the schema is provided.

Validation methods

These methods allow you to validate the data against a schema.

The data must NOT be provided as a json encoded string, because then it will always be considered a string. Use the following table to map PHP types to JSON types.

null null
bool / boolean boolean
int / integer integer or number
float / double number
string string
array (indexed - without keys) array
\stdClass object

If you have your data as a json encoded string, you can use json_decode function to decode it.


Used to validate data when you have the schema as a \stdClass object, as a boolean or as a valid json string.

// Validating a string
$schema = (object) [
    'type' => 'string'

$result = $validator->dataValidation("abc", $schema);

// Validating a number
$schema = (object) [
    'type' => 'number'

$result = $validator->dataValidation(123.4, $schema);
$result = $validator->dataValidation(-5, $schema);

// Validating an object
$schema = (object) [
    'type' => 'object',
    'properties' => (object) [
        'name' => (object) [
            'type' => 'string'

$result = $validator->dataValidation((object)["name" => "John Doe"], $schema);

// Validating an array
$schema = (object) [
    'type' => 'array',
    'items' => (object) [
        'type' => 'integer'

$result = $validator->dataValidation([5, 6, 7], $schema);

// Validating a boolean
$schema = (object) [
    'type' => 'boolean'

$result = $validator->dataValidation(true, $schema);
$result = $validator->dataValidation(false, $schema);

// Validating null
$schema = (object) [
    'type' => 'null'

$result = $validator->dataValidation(null, $schema);

// Validating an object using schema as string
$schema = <<<'JSON'
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string"

$result = $validator->dataValidation((object)["name" => "John Doe"], $schema);

// Validating some data using a boolean schema
$result = $validator->dataValidation($data, true); // always valid
$result = $validator->dataValidation($data, false); // always invalid


  • mixed $data - the data to validate
  • \stdClass|boolean|string $schema - json schema
  • [int $max_errors = 1] - maximum numbers of validation errors that can occur before data is considered invalid (and method returns)
  • [\Opis\JsonSchema\ISchemaLoader $loader = null] - the loader used to resolve schemas by id

Returns \Opis\JsonSchema\ValidationResult


Used to validate data when you only have the schema id.

Please note that the schema id is resolved to a document by the loader.

$schema = "";

// Validating a string
$result = $validator->uriValidation("some string", $schema);

// Validating a number
$result = $validator->uriValidation(123.4, $schema);
$result = $validator->uriValidation(-5, $schema);

// Validating an object
$result = $validator->uriValidation((object)["name" => "John Doe"], $schema);

// Validating an array
$result = $validator->uriValidation(["a", "b", "c"], $schema);

// Validating a boolean
$result = $validator->uriValidation(true, $schema);
$result = $validator->uriValidation(false, $schema);

// Validating null
$result = $validator->uriValidation(null, $schema);


  • mixed $data - the data to validate
  • string $schema - json schema id
  • [int $max_errors = 1] - maximum numbers of validation errors that can occur before data is considered invalid (and method returns)
  • [\Opis\JsonSchema\ISchemaLoader $loader = null] - the loader used to resolve schemas by id

Returns \Opis\JsonSchema\ValidationResult


Used to validate data when you have the schema as a \Opis\JsonSchema\ISchema object.

$schema = \Opis\JsonSchema\Schema::fromJsonString('{"type": "string"}');

// Validating a string
$result = $validator->schemaValidation("some string", $schema);

// Validating a number
$result = $validator->schemaValidation(123.4, $schema);
$result = $validator->schemaValidation(-5, $schema);

// Validating an object
$result = $validator->schemaValidation((object)["name" => "John Doe"], $schema);

// Validating an array
$result = $validator->schemaValidation(["a", "b", "c"], $schema);

// Validating a boolean
$result = $validator->schemaValidation(true, $schema);
$result = $validator->schemaValidation(false, $schema);

// Validating null
$result = $validator->schemaValidation(null, $schema);


  • mixed $data - the data to validate
  • \Opis\JsonSchema\ISchema $schema - json schema
  • [int $max_errors = 1] - maximum numbers of validation errors that can occur before data is considered invalid (and method returns)
  • [\Opis\JsonSchema\ISchemaLoader $loader = null] - the loader used to resolve schemas by id

Returns \Opis\JsonSchema\ValidationResult

Loader methods

These methods allow you to handle the schema loader.

Even if the loader is not required, Opis JSON Schema comes with some default implementations:

  • \Opis\JsonSchema\Loaders\Memory - loads schemas from memory
  • \Opis\JsonSchema\Loaders\File - loads schemas from filesystem


Get the schema loader used by validator.

Returns null|\Opis\JsonSchema\ISchemaLoader


Sets the schema loader for validator.


  • null|\Opis\JsonSchema\ISchemaLoader $loader - the loader object or null

Returns self

Filter methods

These methods allow you to handle the schema filters.

The filters are used by $filters keyword.

Opis JSON Schema comes with a default implementation for filters container which can be found in \Opis\JsonSchema\FilterContainer class.


Get the available filters.

Returns null|\Opis\JsonSchema\IFilterContainer


Sets the available filters.


  • null|\Opis\JsonSchema\IFilterContainer $container - the filters object or null

Returns self

Format methods

These methods allow you to handle the schema formats.

The formats are used by format keyword.

The default format container that ships with Opis JSON Schema can be found in \Opis\JsonSchema\FormatContainer class.


Get the available formats.

Returns null|\Opis\JsonSchema\IFormatContainer


Sets the available formats.


  • null|\Opis\JsonSchema\IFormatContainer $container - the formats object or null

Returns self

Media type methods

These methods allow you to handle the schema media types.

The types are used by contentMediaType keyword.

The default media type container that ships with Opis JSON Schema can be found in \Opis\JsonSchema\MediaTypeContainer class.


Get the available media types.

Returns null|\Opis\JsonSchema\IMediaTypeContainer


Sets the available media types.


  • null|\Opis\JsonSchema\IMediaTypeContainer $container - the media types object or null

Returns self

Helper methods

These methods allow you to change the helper object. A helper object is an instance of \Opis\JsonSchema\IValidatorHelper and is in charge of determining string lengths, equality checks, type checks, and others.

You will probably never use these methods, because Opis JSON Schema already sets a default helper object.

For more information please take a look at the source code.


Get the helper used by validator.

Returns \Opis\JsonSchema\IValidatorHelper


Sets the helper for validator.


  • \Opis\JsonSchema\IValidatorHelper $helper - the helper object

Returns self

Other methods

The following methods are available for \Opis\JsonSchema\Validator class.

  • setGlobalVars(array $vars): self - sets the global variables
  • getGlobalVars(): array - get the current global vars
  • defaultSupport(bool $enable): self - enable/disable support for default keyword
  • hasDefaultSupport(): bool - indicates support status for default keyword
  • varsSupport(bool $enable): self - enable/disable support for $vars keyword
  • hasVarsSupport(): bool - indicates support status for $vars keyword
  • filtersSupport(bool $enable): self - enable/disable support for $filters keyword
  • hasFiltersSupport(): bool - indicates support status for $filters keyword
  • mapSupport(bool $enable): self - enable/disable support for $map keyword
  • hasMapSupport(): bool - indicates support status for $map keyword