
Create a new json schema filter

A filter is an object of a class implementing Opis\JsonSchema\IFilter interface. The validate method receives two arguments, and must return a boolean (true if valid, false otherwise)

  • mixed $value: the current value to validate
  • array $args: an associative array of variables

use Opis\JsonSchema\IFilter;

class ModuloFilter implements IFilter
    public function validate($value, array $args): bool {
        $divisor = $args['divisor'] ?? 1;
        $reminder = $args['reminder'] ?? 0;
        return $value % $divisor == $reminder;

Using filters

Before using the $filters keyword in your schemas, make sure to register them in a Opis\JsonSchema\IFilterContainer object, and pass that object to Opis\JsonSchema\IValidator::setFilters().

When your register a filter you must specify:

  • json data type (boolean, number, integer, string, null, array, object)
  • name: the name you will use in your schemas
  • the filter object that implements Opis\JsonSchema\IFilter

use Opis\JsonSchema\{

// Create a new FilterContainer
$filters = new FilterContainer();

// Register our modulo filter
$filters->add("number", "modulo", new ModuloFilter());

// Create a IValidator
$validator = new Validator();

// Set filters to be used by validator

// Validation ...

Here is an example of schema that uses our modulo filter

  "type": "number",
  "$filters": {
    "$func": "modulo",
    "$vars": {
      "divisor": 4,
      "reminder": 3

This schema validates 7 (7 % 4 == 3) but does not validate 17 (17 % 4 == 1 != 3).

Creating a “password match” filter


use Opis\JsonSchema\IFilter;

class MatchFilter implements IFilter
    public function validate($value, array $args): bool {
        if (!$args || !array_key_exists('value', $args)) {
            return false;
        return $value === $args['value'];

You can use the above filter (considering that is named match) in a schema like this

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "password": {
      "type": "string",
      "minLength": 8
    "repeatPassword": {
      "type": "string",
      "$filters": {
        "$func": "match",
        "$vars": {
          "value": {"$ref": "1/password"}
  "required": ["password", "repeatPassword"]