This library is abandoned. Please consider using a different library.

These drivers allow you to store and fetch data from filesystem. The first key from the path indicates the filename (without extension) where the data resides.

Provided drivers

Driver Extension Readability Data types Mentions
JSONFile json Best JSON types (int, float, string, bool, null, stdClass object, array) -
PHPFile php Good PHP standard types (int, float, bool, null, stdClass object, array) can use opache
File conf Bad Any serializable data -

JSONFile driver

You can use this driver if you want to store JSON compatible data types.

use Opis\DataStore\Drivers\JSONFile;

$dataStore = new JSONFile("/path/to/dir");

Attempts to read the value from /path/to/dir/config.json file
using ["config", "memory", "max"] as path

$dataStore->write("settings.defaults.language", "en");
After this write, we will have the file /path/to/dir/settings.json
containing a json like this:
  "settings": {
    "defaults": {
      "language": "en"

PHPFile driver

If your app is using the data store as a configuration manager, you can boost the speed by using this driver and enabling opcache. You’ll also keep your configuration files easy to read.

use Opis\DataStore\Drivers\PHPFile;

$dataStore = new PHPFile("/path/to/dir");

Attempts to read the value from /path/to/dir/config.php file
using ["config", "memory", "max"] as path

$dataStore->write("settings.defaults.language", "en");
After this write, we will have the file /path/to/dir/settings.php
containing somthing like this:
<?php return array(
  "settings" => array(
      "defaults" => array(
          "language" => "en",

File driver

If you don’t care about readability and you need to store any (serializable) kind of data, then this driver is what you are looking for.

use Opis\DataStore\Drivers\File;

$dataStore = new File("/path/to/dir");

Attempts to read the value from /path/to/dir/config.conf file
using ["config", "memory", "max"] as path

$dataStore->write("settings.defaults.language", "en");
After this write, we will have the file /path/to/dir/settings.conf
containing somthing like this:

Adding a new filesystem based driver

Adding a new filesystem based driver is very easy, just extend the Opis\DataStore\Drivers\AbstractFile class and implement the abstract methods: import and export.


Returns the decoded data.


 * @param string $data
 * @return mixed
abstract protected function import(string $data);


Returns the encoded data.


 * @param mixed $data
 * @return string
abstract protected function export($data): string;

Example of custom filesystem based driver

use Opis\DataStore\Drivers\AbstractFile;

class Base64SerializedDriver extends AbstractFile 
     * @param string $dir
     * @param string $prefix Optional
    public function __construct(string $dir, string $prefix = '')
        // We want to use base64conf as file extension
        parent::construct($dir, $prefix, 'base64conf');
     * @inheritdoc
    protected function import(string $data)
        return unserialize(base64_decode($data));
     * @inheritdoc
    protected function export($data): string
        return base64_encode(serialize($data));