The query builder is based on the powerful foundation provided by Opis Database library, and offers methods for fetching, updating or deleting records.

Fetching entities

The query builder provides several methods for fetching records as entities


This method is used when you want to fetch an entity by its ID.

use Opis\ORM\EntityManager;
use Opis\Database\Connection;
use My\Blog\User;

$connection = new Connection("mysql:dbname=test", "root", "secret");
$orm = new EntityManager($connection);

$user = $orm->query(User::class)->find(1);

// Or, alternatively

$user = $orm(User::class)->find(1);


This methods takes as arguments as series of entity IDs and try to fetch them.

$users = $orm(User::class)->findAll(1, 2, 3, 4); // Use multiple IDs


This methods returns an array of entity instances, or an empty array if no records were found

// Returns all entities
$users = $orm(User::class)->all();


Use this method for fetching a single instance of an entity from a query. This will return null if no entity was fetched.

// Returns one entity instance
$users = $orm(User::class)->get();

Building queries

A more complete documentation about query building can be found by reading the Query builder chapter of the Opis Database library.


You can filter the entities returned by a query by using the where method.

//** User[] $users */
$users = $orm(User::class)


Entities can be ordered by using the orderBy method.

//** User[] $users */
$users = $orm(User::class)
                ->orderBy('age', 'asc')

Offsets and limits

You can limit the number of entities your query returns by using the limit method.

//** User[] $users */
$users = $orm(User::class)
                ->orderBy('age', 'asc')

Use the offset method in conjunction with limit to skip and ignore the first n records.

$users = $orm(User::class)
                ->orderBy('age', 'asc')
                ->offset(20) // Ignore first 20 records

Updating entities

Updating multiple entities from a single query is possible by using the update method.

        'age' => 19

You can use the increment and decrement methods to increment or decrement the value of column.

        ->increment('age'); // Increment by 1
       ->decrement('age', 2); // Decrement by 2             

Deleting entities

Deleting multiple entities at once is done by using the delete method.

// Delete all users

// Delete users under 13