Quick start

Learn how to serialize data

Serialize closures, serialize anything

This library provides an enhanced version of PHP’s serialize and unserialize functions. It supports serializing arbitrary objects (arrays, closures, anonymous classes, and enums), handles circular references, and provides an API for custom object serialization.

use function Opis\Closure\{serialize, unserialize};

$closure = fn() => "it works";

// serialize closure (or arbitrary data)
$serialized = serialize($closure);

// unserialize closure
$unserialized = unserialize($serialized);

echo $unserialized(); //> it works

You can serialize anonymous class instances and closures bound to those instances.

use function Opis\Closure\{serialize, unserialize};

// create an anonymous class
$anonymous = new class("it works") {
    public function __construct(private string $message) {}
    public function getMessage(): string {
        return $this->message;
    public function getClosure(): \Closure {
        return fn() => $this->message;

// serialize anonymous classes
$object = unserialize(serialize($anonymous));
echo $object->getMessage(); // it works

// closures bound to anonymous classes just work
$closure = unserialize(serialize($anonymous->getClosure()));
echo $closure(); // it works

Data signing

We often send serialized data to other services we control, and at deserialization, we want to ensure that the data has not been tampered with and is safe to use. Opis Closure provides a straightforward way of signing data and verifying its integrity.

use Opis\Closure\Security\{
use function Opis\Closure\init;

// Use the DefaultSecurityProvider (shortcut)

// Use the DefaultSecurityProvider
init(new DefaultSecurityProvider("my-secret-key"));

// Use a custom security provider
init(new class() implements SecurityProviderInterface {
    public function sign(string $data): string {
        // ...
    public function verify(string $hash, string $data): bool {
        // ...

Read more about data signing.