Signed closures

Learn how to cryptographically sign your closures

Signing closures

While fetching and unserializing closures from a local file or from a local database, that can not be accessed from outside is totally fine, there might be situations when you will want to take some precautions before executing a closure.

For example, if you are fetching serialized closures from a remote server, you should definitely make sure that the closures were not altered on their way to your server.

The simplest way of confirming a closure’s authenticity is by using the setSecretKey method.

use Opis\Closure\SerializableClosure;


// Here you can serialize closures
$closure = function(){
   return "I'm a cryptographically signed closure";

push_to_server(serialize(new SerializableClosure($closure)));
use Opis\Closure\SerializableClosure;


// Here you can fetch closures from remote and unserialize them
$closure = unserialize(fetch_from_remote())->getClosure();
echo $closure(); //I'm a cryptographically signed closure

This method creates an instance of the Opis\Closure\SecurityProvider that will cryptographically sign the closure when it gets serialized and verify the signature when it’s unserialized. If the signature is not valid an Opis\Closure\SecurityException is thrown.

Custom security providers

You must make sure that the same security provider, with the same settings, is used both for serialization and unserialization.

If you are unhappy with the default security provider, you can use your own by creating a class that implements the Opis\Closure\ISecurityProvider interface and passing an instance of that class to addSecurityProvider method.

use Opis\Closure\SerializableClosure;
use Opis\Closure\ISecurityProvider;

class MySecurityProvider implements ISecurityProvider
   // ...

SerializableClosure::addSecurityProvider(new MySecurityProvider);

// Serialize closures here