Provided drivers

Cache drivers provided by the library

This library is abandoned. Please consider using a different library.

Memory driver

This driver is mostly used for tests, it doesn’t persist the data to a storage.

use Opis\Cache\Drivers\Memory;

$cache = new Memory();

$cache->write("key-a", "some content", 3);

echo $cache->read("key-a"); //> some content

// wait for cache to expire

var_dump($cache->read("key-a")); //> bool(false)

File driver

The file driver persists cached content to disk. The file contents for a cache key is the following:


The serialized content is the result of applying serialize function. Not all data structures from PHP are serializable.

You can configure the directory where to save the cached files and the file extension. Also, you can have a prefix so you can use the same directory for multiple cache storages.

use Opis\Cache\Drivers\File;

$dir = "/my/path/to/dir";

$cache1 = new File($dir, 'cache1', 'txt');
$cache2 = new File($dir, 'cache2', 'txt');

$cache1->write('key-a', 'some content');
$cache2->write('key-a', 'other content');

// The files from /my/path/to/dir will be:
// - cache1.key-a.txt
// - cache2.key-a.txt

echo $cache1->read('key-a'); //> some content
echo $cache2->read('key-a'); //> other content

As you can see, the file name for a cache key follows the folowing pattern:


If the prefix is an empty string, the file name will look like


PHP file driver

The PHP file driver is similar to File driver but the file contents are different. Also, the file extension is by default php.

return array(
    'ttl' => 1234567890, // timestamp (int)
    'data' => '...' // serialized content (string)